Seven Oaks is committed to protecting the fun by providing a comfortable, enjoyable, and wholesome recreational experience for all guests. To help us fulfill our commitment, we ask that you honor this code of conduct & policies, and to respect others as you want to be respected.
- Theft of Service Policy
- Passholder Policy
- Drone Policy
- Alcohol Policy
- Slope Safety and Access Policy
- Pet Policy
- Expectations
- Behaviors or acts not permitted
- Notice to Parents & Guardians Regarding Children & Teens
- Personal Conduct
Theft of Service Policy
Any skier, snowboarder, or snow tuber caught knowingly at Seven Oaks without a valid lift ticket will be required to pay twice the current full-day lift ticket price. Failure to do so will result in law enforcement, and misdemeanor charges will be filed with the Boone County Sheriff’s Office. The offender’s name and information will be recorded and logged.
A second offense will result in an immediate ban for the remainder of the season, and the individual will be required to leave the property.
Passholder Policy
- Season pass holders must be present to receive their lift ticket.
- For identity verification, face coverings must be removed when picking up your daily lift ticket.
- Lift tickets are non-transferable and may not be shared with friends or family. Unauthorized use of tickets has been an issue and is strictly prohibited.
- Season-long rental equipment may not be loaned to friends and family.
- Any passholder caught allowing someone else to use their season pass or daily lift ticket will have their pass suspended.
We appreciate your cooperation in helping us maintain the integrity of our season pass program. Thank you for your support!
Seven Oaks Recreation, Inc. Drone Policy (11-4-15)
Out of safety concerns for guests, employees and ski area property, as well as concerns for individual privacy, this ski area prohibits the operation or use of unmanned aerial systems, or drones, by the general public – including recreational users and hobbyists – without the prior written authorization from the ski area. This prohibition includes drones used for filming or videotaping, as well as any drone use by media or journalists operating above or within the ski area boundaries. This prohibition on drone operations or use extends to any drones launched or operated from the ski area boundaries, as well as drones launched from private property outside of the ski area boundaries. Please contact Joel Bryan at 515-432-9457 ext. 300 if you have any questions or if you seek prior authorization to operate any aerial drones.
Any authorized operation of aerial drones may be governed by Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) rules and regulations, local law enforcement as well as those policies separately established by this ski area, which may include certification, training, insurance coverage, indemnification requirements, and waivers or releases of liability.
Any violation of this policy may involve suspension of your skiing or snowboarding or snow tubing privileges, or the revocation of your season pass, as well as confiscating of any drone equipment, and may subject violators to any damages, including, but not limited to, damages for violations of privacy and/or physical or personal injuries or property damage, as well as regulatory fines and legal fees.
Alcohol Policy
Our onsite bar, Coal Creek Lounge, is certainly a great place to grab an adult beverage while at Seven Oaks. During all of our pre-season staff training, we emphasize that we are a ski area with a bar and not a bar with a ski area.
Alcohol policy at Seven Oaks:
- No one under 21 will be served – we I.D.
- Per state law, any alcohol consumed here must be purchased from Seven Oaks
- Alcohol may only be consumed at the base of the slopes or in the buildings- not on the lifts or on-hill
- Do not over consume – intoxication leads to poor judgement
- We do appreciate everyone that enjoys a drink responsibly! Thank you!
Slopes Policy
All skiers/snowboarders/snow tubers must have a purchased lift ticket and signed liability waiver to be on the slopes. We do allow a limited number of non-skiing/snowboarding parents to be on the School Yard, with a purchased lift ticket, helping their child.
Spectators are allowed on the snow but must stay at the very bottom of the slopes and it is their responsibility to stay clear of all skiers/snowboarders/snow tubers.
Backpacks: We do not recommend wearing a backpack while on a lift/rope tow. We DO NOT allow skiers and snowboarders to ski/snowboard while packing a child, including the learning area.
Equipment Allowed:
For everyone’s safety, all ski and board equipment used on the slopes, such as skis, snowboards, and ski blades, must have a metal edge and secure bindings. All boots for said equipment must properly fit the bindings. We do not allow snow skates, ski bikes, or ski skateboards on the slopes.
Pet Policy
Pets are only allowed in our parking lot and must not pose any hardship on other patrons. The pets must be on a leash or in your vehicle and you must clean up after the pet.
If this causes you hardship please see one of the Seven Oaks management team.
Code of Conduct
- Demonstrate courtesy and respect even when others do not.
- Behave in a responsible manner, always exercising self-discipline.
- Respect the rights and privileges of other guests and staff.
- Respect the property of others, including area property and facilities.
- Cooperate with or assist the staff in maintaining safety, order and discipline.
- Follow Your Responsibility Code
Behaviors or acts not permitted:
- Unruly or disruptive behavior that interferes with guests’ enjoyment of the area.
- Fighting or aggression of any kind, including verbal or physical assaults.
- Acts or behavior that area management determines is a safety concern, that interrupts operations, or negatively impacts a guests’ experience.
- Refusing to follow verbal or printed instructions, refusing to cooperate with area personnel, or entering restricted areas.
- Harassing or threatening behavior.
- Sexual misconduct or lewd behavior including inappropriate interaction with guests or staff.
- Offensive language, gestures, or music.
- Clothing with offensive language or obscene graphics.
- Sound broadcasted from any device at a volume louder than normal conversation.
- Intoxication or substance impairment.
- Smoking/vaping indoors or in any areas where people gather like lift lines.
- Consumption of alcohol on any lift, ski run or snow tubing.
- Theft.
- Selling goods, food items, or Seven Oaks tickets.
- Soliciting and distributing literature not approved by the area.
- Transporting a child in a backpack or front-pack on any lift.
- Unsolicited photographing or video recording that disrupts a guest’s experience or interferes with operations.
- Carrying firearms, ammunition, weapons of any kind, and any other prohibited item (Seven Oaks reserves the right to prohibit any items at our discretion).
- Being rude or disrespectful on any of the Seven Oaks social media platforms.
Notice to Parents & Guardians Regarding Children & Teens
Parents or guardians are responsible for the behavior of their minor children. Appropriate behavior and supervision are the responsibility of the parent/guardian and is expected. We recommend that minors (under 18) be accompanied by an adult. Seven Oaks does not assume any responsibility or liability for unattended minors. Parents/guardians may be held legally liable for all acts of the children under their care.
Personal Conduct
Conduct deemed by Seven Oaks staff to be inappropriate for the good order of the ski area, guests, or staff, and which may adversely affect the safety of others is not permitted. A pass, card, ticket, or participation may be revoked, suspended, voided, or denied for violating the Code of Conduct, without refund.
This list is not all-inclusive, and Seven Oaks reserves the right to revise or modify this Code of Conduct without notice.
Notice: Seven Oaks utilizes surveillance cameras as part of our overall security program