

We are back on the river floating again!!! With the recent rains the river is coming up so we will resume floating Tuesday, August 8th. We are unsure how much the river will continue to rise. There may still be a few places that you will need to walk to get into deeper water. We will keep our website and facebook updated….check back often.

HEADS UP TUBERS: we will continue to launch tubes at the 1/2 way point. Your launch point will require a short walk (approx. 800’) to the river. The sandbar we launch from has a bit of mud on it this year so please wear appropriate footwear. This launch site allows us to continue to float tubes with low water conditions and has been used for many years. If you plan to bring a full sized cooler, please consider one with wheels.

Currently, we are not offering the 2 pm tube float on weekends.